Entitlement note holders are subsidised by MBIE to register for a maximum of two Note-taking workshops free of charge.
Workshop dates listed below.
This webinar is an introduction to the theory behind note-taking for interpreters and is aimed at consecutive and liaison interpreters wishing to improve their note-taking skills.
You will learn about extracting ideas and what to note. Karoline will share tips for improving your short-term memory and introduce the creation of meaningful abbreviations and symbols. She will also show how to best structure notes on a pad.
Acquiring the knowledge of abbreviations and symbols will enable you to build your own inventory of symbols.
This is a theoretical webinar without a practical component. It presents interpreters with the foundations and universal principles of note-taking and is not language-specific. The presentation will be about 45 min long and will be followed by 15 min for Q&A.
After the event, registered participants will receive the hand-outs from the evening and a link to access the recording (valid for four weeks).
This event is open to everyone and is an MBIE-funded event for entitlement-note holders.