
Wondering how the NAATI recertification process works? You can view the presentation given by Michael Nemarich at the MBIE LAS launch in Wellington on 1 July 2024 below and watch this recording of the online presentation by AurĂ©lie Sheehan, which includes practical demonstrations of how to upload evidence and submit items for recertification.

A question that often comes up is: what evidence does NAATI require to confirm the PD recorded in the logbook? NAATI recommends that practitioners submit evidence for everything in their logbook to ensure there are no delays in processing their application. If an application is selected for auditing and the practitioner has not submitted evidence, NAATI will contact them directly to request this be sent. 

NAATI accepts a wide range of evidence, including:

  • certificates of attendance
  • payment receipts
  • email confirmations

The evidence needs to state the name of the practitioner, what the event was and when it took place (or when it was purchased, e.g. if it was a purchase receipt for a pre-recorded webinar). The email you receive when registering for an NZSTI event is valid evidence, so make sure you retain it for your recertification. 

There are also a number of activities eligible for PD points for which evidence will be difficult or impossible to provide because of the informal nature of the activity (such as NZSTI's Linguists at Lunch event). Where this is the case, if evidence is requested during auditing, NAATI would accept a statutory declaration confirming that the information is correct.

For more information, visit NAATI's website.

NAATI recertification
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