25-26 November 2022
Brisbane and Online
It is a pleasure to invite you to this year’s hybrid AUSITNational Conference to be held in Brisbane on 25-26 November 2022. The conference will take place at the beautiful campus of the University of Queensland, as well as online.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Rebuild and Belong: Evolution, Transformation and Growth’. It aims to offer participants a forum to discuss practical and theoretical issues relating to the T&I profession across a variety of different areas, focusing on rebuilding and re-connecting after two long years of dealing with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Organising Committee (OC) is calling for the submission of abstracts for papers from a wide variety of interdisciplinary theoretical and practical perspectives. Submissions are organised into the following sub-themes:
- Cultivating connections with colleagues – the power of comradery, and team building;
- Self-growth – issues affecting practitioners and their businesses (mental health, adapting, professional skills, ethics and values, new mindset and new focus);
- Joining forces with other professions – new opportunities, relationships between T&I practitioners and professional end-users;
- Engaging with the community – current issues affecting community translation and interpreting;
- Innovation in the world – the T&I industry in the post-pandemic world, accessibility, new technologies and new advances.
Guide for authors
- Abstracts are welcome from academics, practitioners and other industry stakeholders.
- Authors must submit abstracts (maximum 250 words) before 24 June 2022.
- To make a submission, please visit EasyChair via (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ausit22), create an account, and submit abstract.
- All the submitted abstracts will undergo a blind peer review process. The results will be sent to the authors by 22 July 2022 via email.
- Authors whose abstracts are accepted to be presented at the conference need to register for the conference.
- Upon payment and registration, authors will receive a confirmation email, including the official invitation to present.
- Accepted presenters will need to provide a pre-recorded presentation for the hybrid part of the event, even if they are presenting face-to-face (instructions to be provided once abstract is accepted).
- Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation at the conference plus 10 minutes for discussion.
For any enquiries, please contact us via ausit22@easychair.org.